©AK Llamas. All Rights Reserved.
Let’s be honest, sometimes we don’t. Putting two creatives together isn’t just compatible, it’s also combustible. Our relationship began in 2001 when I stormed into Alfonso’s band practice to curse the group for firing my sister as their lead singer… so needless to say, we are the first to admit that this was always going to be a firey duo. The fact is that creatives are usually very passionate about their ideas, beliefs, and work. This passion can work in our favor or against us (on an hourly basis)!
Just like any precious stone, it takes a lot of intense heat and pressure to make something purely beautiful and unique. Our relationship has always during long late-night discussions, parallel pasts, and a love for all things beautiful and unique. However, when it comes to projects, the two of us develop ideas very differently…
Alfonso is calculative and approaches ideas from a place of what is practical, logical and thoroughly researched. I am driven by dreams and impulse and love a challenge. It is because of those wild visions that large projects begin, but only due to Alfonso’s logic does anything come to fruition.
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